French and Dutch are two of the three national languages.
It has nothing to do with France or Nederlands (the countries)

Moreover the BEL in FeBelFin means Belgium.

"Febelfin ASBL est la Fédération belge du secteur financier."

And I spent to many years writing and reading CODA and CIRI files.
CIRI has been deprecated by IBAN, but CODA remained.

> It seems not:
> Deze standaard bestaat eveneens in het Nederlands.
> Ce standard existe également en français.

Le ven. 30 sept. 2022 à 14:04, Mathias Behrle <> a écrit :
> * Alexandre Detiste: " Re: Bug#1020964: ITP: python-febelfin-coda -- Python
>   module to parse CODA files" (Fri, 30 Sep 2022 11:35:00 +0200):
> > Hi,
> >
> > Please mention it only applies to Belgian banks.
> >
> > Make it obvious :-)
> >
> > >  febelfin-coda is a parser for CODA (Coded statement of account) files.
> > >   -
> > >
> > > . This bank standard (also called CODA) specifies the lay-out for the
> > > electronic files, by banks to customers, of the account transactions and
> > > the information concerning the enclosures in connection with the movement.

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