On Sat, Sep 20, 2003 at 09:12:23PM +0200, Roland Bauerschmidt wrote:
> Great. I've been doing pretty much the same thing without mod_suphp,
> though I admit this probably makes it cleaner. What I've been doing is
> register .php files to be executed with php4 with binfmt-misc and then
> then just add .php to the CGI extensions so that they're executed with
> suEXEC.

With this module, you don't have to make your php files with executables
permissions. (for me it's a pain with a server using different access,
different usages...)

And it doesn't deal like suexec for userdir sites.

It's possible to do practically the same thinks with suexec and somme
patches, but I wasn't able to apply them on debian apache as the suexec
include already several patches...

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