Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Sebastian Spaeth <>

* Package name    : nemo-qml-plugin-dbus
  Version         : 2.1.30
  Upstream Author : 2013-2021 Jolla OY & many contributors
* URL             :
* License         : LGPL & BSD
  Programming Lang: C++
  Description     : Nemo QML Plugin D-Bus

 The nemo-dbus library provides C++11 extensions to QtDBus to make it easier
 to call and handle the replies from asynchronous DBus methods.

The package is a required dependency of puremaps, which is one of the few
navigation applications that is both mobile-screen friendly and capable of
offline routing.

I would like to introduce puremaps in the long run into Debian. It would
probably be maintained by the DebianOnMobile team (of which I am a member), if
the KDE/QML side is not interested.
I am happy if sponsors would volunteer, but I am capable of finding one myself
if needed.

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