Hi Robert,

> I suggest you keep it in the Subject, but not replacing the original one. For
> example if my message has subject "Foobar", then the response could be
> something like "Re: foobar (blah)", where "blah" is the code number.

That is an option as well. But if that's the case, I'll have to reduce the
size of the MD5 signature. Some mailers wrap, cut and do other strange things
to the Subject line.

> If you want to ITP, retitle the bug ASAP to avoid confusion.

Just did.

> When you think the package is in shape (try running lintian on it), send me
> the sources (orig.tar.gz, diff.gz and dsc) on private mail. I'll sponsor
> it.

I did and it just says:

W: ask: prerm-does-not-remove-usr-doc-link
W: ask: postinst-does-not-set-usr-doc-link
W: ask: readme-debian-is-debmake-template
W: ask: unusual-interpreter ./usr/bin/ask.py #!python2.2
W: ask: unusual-interpreter ./usr/bin/asksetup.py #!python2.2
W: ask: unusual-interpreter ./usr/bin/askversion.py #!python2.2
W: ask: unusual-interpreter ./usr/bin/asksenders.py #!python2.2

I'll try to fix those issues, even though I think I've stumbled upon the
python issue before (python *is* really called python2.2, but lintian
insists that there's something fishy about it).

> P.S: please keep the CC to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Curiosity: What's this address?


> -- Robert Millan
> "[..] but the delight and pride of Aule is in the deed of making, and in
> the thing made, and neither in possession nor in his own mastery; wherefore
> he gives and hoards not, and is free from care, passing ever on to some new
> work."
>  -- J.R.R.T, Ainulindale (Silmarillion)

Marco Paganini          | UNIX / Linux / Networking
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | PGP: http://www.paganini.net/pgp/
http://www.paganini.net | Magnus Frater te spectat...

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