On Tue, 20 Dec 2022 18:04:01 +0100 Andrea Pappacoda <and...@pappacoda.it> wrote:
Il giorno lun 19 dic 2022 alle 19:00:15 +01:00:00, Andrea Pappacoda <and...@pappacoda.it> ha scritto:
> Will you have the time to make the package build on arm64?

Done. I've backported two FP16 upstream commits and tested the build on my phone. You can find the updated version on Salsa and Mentors.

I have added a missing copyright statement.
toml.hpp is generated. Please regenerate it from source and possibly exclude it.

In debian/rules you reference files from /usr/share/javascript/highlight.js
but there is no Depends on libjs-highlight.js. Why do you have that README.html 
in the first place?

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