I looked at the software closely, and it seems like it needs quite a bit more
love than it receives now.

Upstream "startup wrapper" is quite strange, this is why Alexander rewrote it
to a debian-specific thing, but this thing has its own issues.

I asked upstream about this, and how whole thing should be used and how to
package it and run it in a distribution. A discussion emerged, resulting in
https://github.com/Zygo/bees/issues/244 .

In that discussion I've added my view of how it should be done, together
with a PoC script which can be temporarily used as a wrapper script for
bees binary to play with it, and should gone once bees itself implements
this functionality internally.  Hopefully we'll end up with no startup
script at all, - this is my goal here.

So this is pending upstream review/comments for now, once we settle on
something, it can be uploaded to debian and used by other distributions

Since the original packaging as done by Alexander has now very little
in common with the current packaging, I created a new repository
(private for now) for bees debian packaging. This one also fixes some
shortcomings of the Alexander's work, e.g. it is based on the upstream
git repository branches/history instead of on contents of upstream
tarballs without git history.

Please stay tuned :)  And if you want to help, I advise you to focus on
https://github.com/Zygo/bees/issues/244 .



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