Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: John Scott <>
Tags: newcomer

* Package name    : usbscale
  Upstream Contact: Eric Jiang
* URL             :
* License         : GPL 3.0 or any later version
  Programming Lang: C
  Description     : read weight data from a USB scale

This package provides a utility one can use to read data from various
USB scales, ones which are sold as postage scales in particular.

Even though the program is very small, I still think it belongs in
Debian. As far as I know, there are no applications in Debian that are
capable of reading this sort of data. With usbscale, it's easy for
medium-volume mailers to have scripts or utilities that talk to usbscale
and, say, do automatic postage price computation. I use this application

I'm not a Debian Developer and will need a sponsor. I can't think of any
pertinent teams to maintain it in, but since it's a small package, I see
no problem with maintaining it on my own.

I am familiar with Debian Packaging and will probably be able to get
this out in the next few days.

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