retitle -1  RPP: popsicle -- A Linux utility for flashing multiple USB devices in parallel

noowner -1

On Wed, 29 Nov 2023 02:00:40 +0100 Jonas Smedegaard <> wrote:

> Quoting Matthias Geiger:
> > Update on the dependencies:
> >
> > blocked by for pwd
> Looks like instead of trying to get pwd into acceptable licensing shape,
> it might be better to avoid it and instead patch to instead use pwd-grp,
> judging from the "Alternatives to this library" section of that crate:
> > and
> >
> > iso9660 which looks packageable with this MR:
> >
> Seems the MR was adopted and part of release v0.1.1:

Thanks for this. However, I do not have the time nor the need anymore to get popsicle into debian.

Another issue is popsicle still using GTK3. Save for squeekboard in debian I'd have filed removal requests for it since it's only getting security updates and no new features (effectively deprecated). Once squeekboard gets ported to rust-GTK4 I will start filing RM requests since that will greatly simplify the maintenance of those libraries. All other (GNOME) apps have switched to GTK4.

I'd appreciate it if no new packages depending on rust-GTK3 will be introduced as that will only complicate things.

fwiw, kisoimagewriter exists as a KDE program for creating bootable drives.


Matthias Geiger <werdahias>
Debian Maintainer
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden" -- Rosa Luxemburg

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