> Please work on the already existing (and patched!) chromium in the archive
> instead of adding one additional chromium-based browser that then also lacks
> team power. If you need any additional patches on Debian's chromium that are
> in ungoogled chromium, make them available in Debian's chromium.

Does that mean that Debian's `chromium` is also "ungoogled"?
That would admittedly make a lot of sense.
I see a directory `ungoogled` in


but it contains a fairly trivial patch that doesn't do what I expect
"ungoogled" to mean.

If it is indeed, ungoogled, then the package's description should say
so, shouldn't it?  Currently it just says:

    Description: web browser
     Web browser that aims to build a safer, faster, and more stable internet
     browsing experience. 
     This package contains the web browser component.

which doesn't hint at it being ungoogled at all.


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