
I had some luck in packaging vst3sdk. I pushed my packaging attempts (just the debian/ directory) to my personal repository on salsa [1]. The package builds and installs VST3 plugins, debian/copyright is as well almost finished.

I had some difficulties in constructing the multiple upstream tarball (MUT). uscan does not seem to be able to handle debian/watch correctly, thus I first have to change upstream version to 0 in debian/changelog, run 'uscan --download', revert the upstream version in debian/changelog and run it again. From downloaded tarballs the MUT is built by debian/get-orig-source. I plan to import the constructed MUT into the same git repository [1] to simplify its usage, but I will probably exclude doc/ subdirectory due to multiple source-is-missing problems.

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/merkys/vst3sdk


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