Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Francesco Paolo Lovergine <>

* Package name    : libgeo-libproj-ffi-perl
  Version         : 1.00
  Upstream Contact: Arne Johannessen <>
* URL             : 
* License         : Perl or Artistic 2.0
  Programming Lang: Perl
  Description     : Foreign function interface to PROJ coordinate 
transformation software

  Geo::LibProj::FFI is a foreign function interface to the
  PROJ coordinate transformation / projection library. Please
  see the PROJ library's C function reference for further documentation.
  Geo::LibProj::FFI offers a large portion of the most commonly used PROJ
  functions, but more could be added later.
  This module was originally written for PROJ version 8. It works with PROJ
  versions as old as 6.2.0, and up to and including the most recent version.
  It obsoletes the now deprecated Geo::Proj4 XS module which cannot be
  used with any recent version of the PROJ library.

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