Quoting Joseph Warner (2024-07-09 03:03:07)
> Rotate PDF files in place. Rotatepdf is a wrapper around PDFtk.
> Terminal usage and several GUI-based file managers are supported.
> Why?
> Provide a simpler method to rotate entire PDF files than PDFtk itslef, which
> is very powerful but extremely complicated for such a simple use case.

Great idea! How about you also file ITPs for catpdf, shufflepdf, burstpdf,
stamppdf and so on? You see the problem?

A tool with 10 functionalities does not become simpler by splitting it into 10
tools. Now instead of learning how to use one tool, the user has to learn how
to use 10 tools. If pdftk is too complicated, maybe work on providing
documentation to make it easier for users to figure out how to use it. In case
of pdftk, the man page has these entries:

       Rotate the first PDF page to 90 degrees clockwise
         pdftk in.pdf cat 1east 2-end output out.pdf

       Rotate an entire PDF document to 180 degrees
         pdftk in.pdf cat 1-endsouth output out.pdf

What is the problem with that?


cheers, josch

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