On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 04:30:19PM +0100, Romain Francoise wrote:
> > Please base your package on this (even if you revert to debhelper or
> > whatever), and not on -11, as a few policy updates have taken place.
> I was going to bring the package to current policy standards anyway;
> thanks for doing it for me..  :-)
> As for cdbs, I never used it but I guess this is a good opportunity to
> learn...

Ok :)
I find cdbs is very convenient for very simple packages like this. I
also wanted to split the Debian patch into different patches using
cdbs' simple-patchsys.mk, but I never got round to doing so.

> > Thanks for taking over! I stopped using wmifs a month ago.
> My pleasure!  I had considered offering to take over the package some
> weeks ago (around the time I took wmclock over) but it seemed pretty
> well maintained, so I didn't.  I've been using wmifs for years, I
> wouldn't like to see it disappear from the archive.

Right. I mailed -devel a while back about getting wmifs ITA'ed, and
never did because one NM showed interest. He never said anything again,
so jsut went ahead the other day during a TODO cleanup :)
Besides policy updates, the package doesn't need work: prepare to get
one or two bugs every year or so :)

Jordi Mallach PĂ©rez  --  Debian developer     http://www.debian.org/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.sindominio.net/
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