Michael Schultheiss wrote:
> sean finney wrote:
> > is it going to actually work?  i tried downloading the latest version
> > of the package via cpan and even the examples provided by the author
> > would die...
> It's required by VOCP (www.vocpsystem.com) which I'm working on
> packaging.  I haven't finished packaging VOCP yet so I don't know for
> certain Modem::Vgetty works, but the VOCP website links to
> http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/Y/YE/YENYA for Modem::Vgetty which is
> where I got it from.

I'm not sure why the examples don't work but I do have VOCP setup and
working and it relies on Modem::Vgetty so I can say that it does work
(at least with VOCP).

Michael Schultheiss

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