> See also the mailloop this package created here:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2004/08/thrd5.html#02087
> (750 mails at a very fast rate to a mailinglist with well over 500
> subscribers, meaning ~400.000 spam-caused autoresponses in half a day),
> and, see also the opinion of Branden Robinson on this software:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2004/08/msg00015.html

Notice that this mail-loop was created by a clueless user inserting the
mailing-list address on the "blacklist" (something that we urge users not to
do). There is really no protection against this kind of behavior. A similar
situation can happen for many reasons, including a badly configured procmail
rule, for instance.

Marco Paganini

> --Jeroen
> -- 
> Jeroen van Wolffelaar
> http://jeroen.A-Eskwadraat.nl

Marco Paganini          | UNIX / Linux / Networking
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | PGP: http://www.paganini.net/pgp/
http://www.paganini.net | Magnus Frater te spectat...

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