
A few months ago, I was planning on ITP'ing GNOME GTray[1] applet, thing
that I did not because of lack of time to do it. A few weeks ago, I saw
that package RFP'ed[2], and today I saw an ITP for gmailfs[3].

Is it correct to package that kind of software? I mean, one of the
reasons why I didn't package GTray was because I found some things that
made me doubt, and because of the time, I had no time to analyze.

GTray is released on GPL. It uses OpenSSL stuff. It doesn't provide an
exemption for this incompatibility issues, (well, here was the first
problem) but anyway what I don't find sense in all the GMail related
stuff is reading the Terms[4] of Use document of GMail:

5. Intellectual Property Rights. Google's Intellectual Property Rights.
You acknowledge that Google owns all right, title and interest in and to
the Service, including without limitation all intellectual property
rights (the "Google Rights"), and such Google Rights are protected by
U.S. and international intellectual property laws. Accordingly, you
agree that you will not copy, reproduce, alter, modify, or create
derivative works from the Service. You also agree that you will not use
any robot, spider, other automated device, or manual process to monitor
or copy any content from the Service. The Google Rights include rights
to (i) the Service developed and provided by Google; and (ii) all
software associated with the Service.  The Google Rights do not include
third-party content used as part of Service, including the content of
communications appearing on the Service.

So, am I right and no gmail (illegal) software could be packaged for
Debian in order to follow a legal behaviour? Should this gmail madness
be stopped?

Please, CC me, since I'm not subscribed to the list.



David Moreno Garza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://www.damog.net/
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