Hi, after my ITA to this package i've forgot to send an RFS. Well now i'm
doing it, I have a working package which has the following updates:

xhangglider (0.94.0-7) unstable; urgency=low

  * Changed dependancy on menu to Recommends. (Closes: #184595)
  * Added spanish translated manpage.
  * debian/rules
    - use debian/compat (4)
    - updated dh_installmanpages to dh_installman 
      (adds debian/xhangglider.manpages)
    - removed useless debhelper commands
    - updated dh_installdirs to work with debian/compat = 4
  * Updated README.Debian

So, if anybody wants to sponsor this package, let me know and I'll send the
files. I'm unable to publish them somewhere in the net, since my webserver 
is under crash recovering process.



  | Somos libres, seamoslo con software libre      * http://debian.org |
  | http://www.apesol.org.pe         -*-         http://stone-head.org |
  | GPG FP: 0D12 8537 607E 2DF5 4EFB  35A7 550F 1A00 3433 BD21         |

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