Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

If PDF is electronic paper, then pdftk is an electronic staple-remover,
hole-punch, binder, secret-decoder-ring, and X-Ray-glasses. Pdftk is a
simple tool for doing everyday things with PDF documents. Keep one in
the top drawer of your desktop and use it to:

    * Merge PDF Documents
    * Split PDF Pages into a New Document
    * Decrypt Input as Necessary (Password Required)
    * Encrypt Output as Desired
    * Burst a PDF Document into Single Pages
    * Report on PDF Metrics, including Metadata and Bookmarks
    * Uncompress and Re-Compress Page Streams
    * Repair Corrupted PDF (Where Possible)

License: GNU GPL

It needs some Java, but fortunately GCJ works fine.

Juhapekka "naula" Tolvanen * http colon slash slash iki dot fi slash juhtolv
"Kun katsoo suuren tyhjyyden ilkkuvaan ilvehahmoon, ponnistaa tahtonsa ja
repii viimein reiän varjoihin: Hämärillä teillä tyttö, tähtisilmä,
kultakutri, taivaallisen puhemiehen tarjoama mielitietty!"               CMX

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