On Tue, 2004-02-17 at 00:43, Martin Waitz wrote:
> hi :)
> On Tue, Feb 17, 2004 at 12:24:29AM -0800, Link Dupont wrote:
> > > BTW there is a problem with the package: it contains a library. So you
> > > should split it in muine/libmuine0/libmuine0-dev or remove the
> > > .[a|la|so] of the package.
> > 
> > Upon closer inspection, it looks like the .so file is needed at runtime.
> > I'll break this up into a libmuine0[-dev]/muine split as soon as I can.
> the .so file is dynamically loaded by mono.
> this is the way C# can access all the lowlevel C code
> the .a and .la files are not needed for runtime, but are always build
> by libtool when it builds a shared library.
> as the .so file is only needed by muine and not meant as a general
> library, it doesn't make much sense to create a new package for it.
> just put everything in one package, but remove the .a and .la files.
Hahha. This was just the same conclusion I came to, and was about to
post again saying as much. Thanks for the verification. If you're okay
with it, I'll keep on maintaining muine and use it as my non-DD entry
package (with Ross uploading for me). Thanks :)


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