
[Tue, 24 Feb 2004] Robert Morelos-Zaragoza wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> As far as I am concerned, you can go ahead and use the code.
> Robert

Great. Thanks!


> Robert Joerdens wrote:
> >[resent with newer e-mail addresses]
> >
> >Hello!
> >
> >I intend (<http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=233799>) 
> >to upload and maintain a package for Debian that uses a version
> >of the Reed-Solomon codec from
> >
> >1. Guido Fiala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 
> ><http://www.s.netic.de/gfiala/dvbackup.html>
> >
> >which seems to be based on:
> >
> >2. Phil Karn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 
> >   <http://www.piclist.com/techref/method/error/rs-gp-pk-uoh-199609/rs_c.htm>
> >
> >which in turn seems to come from something like:
> >
> >3. Robert Morelos-Zaragoza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and 
> >   Hari Thirumoorthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 
> >   <http://www.eccpage.com/new_rs_erasures.c>
> >
> >which bases on:
> >
> >4. Simon Rockliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: <http://www.jjj.de/crs4/rs.c>
> >
> >The copyright notices in the files seem to differ a lot and are even
> >contradictory.
> >
> >rs.c from 1. says:
> >
> >/*
> > * Reed-Solomon coding and decoding
> > * Phil Karn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) September 1996
> > * Separate CCSDS version create Dec 1998, merged into this version May 
> > 1999
> > *
> > * This file is derived from my generic RS encoder/decoder, which is
> > * in turn based on the program "new_rs_erasures.c" by Robert
> > * Morelos-Zaragoza ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Hari Thirumoorthy
> > * ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Aug 1995
> > *
> > * Copyright 1999 Phil Karn, KA9Q
> > * May be used under the terms of the GNU public license
> > */
> >
> >2. does not mention a copyright
> >
> >3. has:
> >
> > * Portions of this program are from a Reed-Solomon encoder/decoder
> > * in C, written by Simon Rockliff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on 21/9/89.
> > *
> > * COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This computer program is free for non-commercial 
> > purposes.
> > * You may implement this program for any non-commercial application. You 
> > may * also implement this program for commercial purposes, provided that 
> > you
> > * obtain my written permission. Any modification of this program is 
> > covered
> > * by this copyright.
> >
> >4. says:
> >
> >   This program may be freely modified and/or given to whoever wants it.
> >   A condition of such distribution is that the author's contribution be
> >   acknowledged by his name being left in the comments heading the program,
> >   however no responsibility is accepted for any financial or other loss 
> >   which
> >   may result from some unforseen errors or malfunctioning of the program
> >   during use.
> >
> >Under which license can the code found in 1. be distributed? I'm worried
> >about 2. and 3. because they do not seem to fulfill the Debian Free
> >Software guidelines
> ><http://www.debian.org/social_contract.html#guidelines>. 
> >
> >I'd be glad to see that I can distribute the
> >code in 1. under the GPL.
> >
> >Thanks a lot
> >
> >     Robert Jordens
> >

Is knowledge knowable?  If not, how do we know that?

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