A ready-to-run package of Imai, King, and Lau's "Zelig" package for GNU R is now available for the Debian distribution at the following URL, as well as a complete source package:


Note that the binary package is named "r-other-gking-zelig," in accordance with the Debian R Policy (http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2003/debian-devel-200312/msg02332.html). This renaming is only done to improve the ability of Debian users to find R-related packages, obey Debian package naming policy, and avoid name collisions; within the R environment, the package continues to be known as "Zelig."

The Debian package depends on the "r-cran-vr" package or the "r-recommended" bundle, and should be compatible with both R 1.8.1 (in testing) and upcoming R 1.9.0 (in unstable). Installation of the non-free VGAM package is suggested for a broader variety of models to be estimated.

The following APT configuration will enable automatic installation using "apt-get install r-other-gking-zelig":

deb http://people.debian.org/~lawrencc/ ./

The package should be installable on any Debian architecture (however, it has only been tested on Intel x86); please send any comments, questions, or reports of success or failure to me at my Debian maintainer address ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or using the Debian "reportbug" tool.

This package has also been uploaded for inclusion in the "unstable" branch of Debian, and hopefully will be included in the Debian 3.1 "sarge" release anticipated later this year, as well as forthcoming releases of Dirk Eddelbuettel's "Quantian" distribution.

(For the unaware: the Debian distribution is a free or "open source," non-commercial operating system using the Linux kernel; more information on the Debian Project is available at the project website, http://www.debian.org/. More information on Quantian is available at http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/quantian.html.)


Christopher N. Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Research Associate
Public Policy Research Center/Department of Political Science
The University of Mississippi at Oxford
University, MS 38677

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