Hi Mako,

On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 07:39:47AM -0800, Benj. Mako Hill wrote:
> Hope all is well with you. :)

Yeah :)

> A company I'm consulting for is about to mandate use of Jabber. I'm
> not wild about the idea as I've stopped using Gabber out of annoyance
> a while ago but would definitely be into using the jabber irssi
> plugin.
> I saw that you had filed an ITP (#188465) last April for the plugin
> that's still open and without comment. Let me know what the status
> is. The link you provided to the preliminary deb is no longer good.
> Let me know if you still have these packages available (I'd like them)
> and if you're still interested in maintaining the packages in the
> archive. I might be willing to do it myself (but I'd prefer that you
> did it). :)

If you want to package irssi-jabber, go ahead. I've had quite some
problems testing this, as it does not seem to play well with my socks
client (same goes for irssi-icq, irc works fine), and I don't really use
jabber anyway.

However, it seems upstream is not overly active (updating CVS, I've just
saw a couple commits from early march, but still) and I'm not sure it
works really well anyway and the user documentation is scarce.

If you don't want to take over the ITP, I can update/reroll a package,
if you promise to test it :)

One good alternative seems to be bitlbee:

Description: An IRC to other chat networks gateway
 This program can be used as an IRC server which forwards everything you
 say to people on other chat networks: Jabber, ICQ, AIM, MSN and Yahoo.

I haven't tried it myself yet, but from other people's remarks[0], it
seems to work fairly well. Dunno if that is feasable for you.

> Also, wouldn't irssi-plugin-jabber be a better name. It would parallel
> with irssi-plugin-icq.

Yeah, the binary package should definetely be called



[0] see e.g. http://lists.debian.org/debian-release-0403/msg00014.html

Michael Banck
Debian Developer

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