Thanks for your response, happy packaging!

I'm Ccing the bug tracking system to keep it up to date.


On Sat, Apr 10, 2004 at 07:57:02PM +0000, Pieter-Paul Spiertz wrote:
> Hi Justin,
> On Sat, 10 Apr 2004, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> > Do you still intend to package agfl?
> >
> >
> > If not, please retitle to RFP.
> Yes, I still do. I'm one of the AGFL developers, and I have a
> beta version lying ready. It depends on the CDL3 language, which
> was written by another AGFL developer. I still have to finish
> packaging CDL3 (which is GPL, but not actively maintained).
> Only time is a problem, since I have a day job now, where we
> decided to run Fedora... If it would have been Debian, I'd
> even apply as a developer, since I still run Debian at home and
> on a youth centre on a cluster of 10 UltraSPARCs (which are
> in weekly use to teach children Python programming).
> I know of several AGFL users which use Debian and .deb-using
> derivatives. I think it would be a valuable addition.
> Thank you for your question. It's a good thing that I'm reminded.
> I have one (simple to fix) FTBFS bug in my wmtune package as well,
> that should be done too.
> Best regards,
> Pieter-Paul Spiertz

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