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[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] oly goes to the maintainer of the package the
  bug is filed on - in this case [EMAIL PROTECTED] So I didn't receive
  the mail in the first place. Please Cc me or use [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]


Daniel Naber wrote:
> On Tuesday 13 April 2004 12:24, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> > As I did ask for those scripts (a.k.a part of the source in the GPL
> > sense) I didn't get it. (No offense intended, this is just a report.)
> Not sure what you mean, I replied to your mail on 2003-09-16. The export 

I know...

> script is a web page written in PHP. It exports to two text files.These 
> are then fed into an awk script which produces the binary files.
> Both scripts (ooo_export.php and Parse_Thes.awk) are available from CVS:
> http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/openthesaurus/openthesaurus/www/
> admin/
> The PHP works on the database, not on the dump, so it's not so easy to set 
> up a "make" like task which builds the files.


So the problem is _not_ solved. The problem is how I get from the
"source" (db dump if you want) in a package build process the necessary
files for the awk script. the ooo_export.php looks like being admin
stuff of which I have no permissions or ways to use.

(same with the text and KWord stuff, there is is a little less problem
since that is editable text...

If I package openthesarus if would want to create three debs:

- - openoffice.org Thesaurus
- - KWord Thesaurus
- - text thesaurus


- -- 
 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 : :' : http://www.debian.org | http://people.debian.org/~rene/
 `. `'  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | GnuPG-Key ID: 248AEB73
   `-   Fingerprint: 41FA F208 28D4 7CA5 19BB  7AD9 F859 90B0 248A EB73
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