Scripsit Florian Ragwitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  WMI is a new, minimalistic window manager for X11, which combines
>  WMI is highly customizable: it is designed with keyboard users in mind.
>  Each action (e.g. resizing the frame, creating a new workspace,
>  launching an app, note that WMI provides hundreds of actions)

This description does not make sense. How can it be "minimalistic" on
one hand, and on the other hand "highly customizable" and "provides
hundreds of actions"?

Henning Makholm                           "First chapter, the plot advances,
                                 second chapter, Ayla makes a discovery that
                       significantly enhances Palaeolithic technology, third
               chapter, Ayla has sex with someone, and repeat ad infinitum."

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