Package: wnpp
Severity: normal

I retire from maintaining this package.

Description: A branch of Semi-gnus (Gnus for SEMI) variants.
 Semi-gnus is a replacement of Gnus with gnus-mime for SEMI.  It has
 all features of Gnus and gnus-mime, so there are no need to install
 Gnus to use it, and you must not use gnus-mime for SEMI.
 It requires SEMI package, so please get and install SEMI package
 before to install it.
 Use T-gnus in offline(Unplugged) status using gnus-offline.
 T-gnus have also features that have Semi-gnus  MainTrunk.
 Enable to get Multiple Pop server in POP and APOP using
 pop3-fma.el (pop3 For Multi Account).
 By Tatsuya Ichikawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
 T-gnus is one of Semi-gnus variants.
 Now, "Semi-gnus" is generic name of Gnus for SEMI.

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