[changing from d-wnpp to d-qa, it's probably better, and dropping

On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 03:39:56AM +0200, Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
> After having given the WNPP code a little face lifting I now remembered
> my old offer and quickly hacked it together (patch for the WNPP code
> attached, missing documentation, other parts of Debian's QA
> infrastructure like the PTS should probably be patched, too).
> For those who would like to see how this will look:
> http://higgs.djpig.de/debian-www/devel/wnpp/
> And there the links to
> http://higgs.djpig.de/debian-www/devel/wnpp/help
> http://higgs.djpig.de/debian-www/devel/wnpp/help_requested
> http://higgs.djpig.de/debian-www/devel/wnpp/help_offered
> Now, before I complete and commit this and finally announce the
> availability of it I wanted to ask for comments again to see if this
> "feature" is still wanted and deemed useful.

Updated patch attached. I now added some documentation to the start page
of WNPP. Proofreading appreaciated. The web pages linked from above are
updated, too.

Still seeking for some comments. I think adding RFH is not really
controversial, but introducing an OTH tag may lead to some
flamewars^Wdiscussions, so I don't want to make this without
a previous consent at least between the QA people...

I'm beginning a list of things to patch after introducing a new WNPP
- wnpp scripts in the QA CVS
   - wnpp-lint
   - maintainers-needed.pl
- reportbug
Any other ideas?

Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
www: http://www.djpig.de/
Index: template/debian/wnpp.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/template/debian/wnpp.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 wnpp.wml
--- template/debian/wnpp.wml    20 Jun 2004 16:56:22 -0000      1.2
+++ template/debian/wnpp.wml    26 Jul 2004 22:44:41 -0000
@@ -24,6 +24,14 @@
 <gettext domain="templates">No Requested packages</gettext>
+<define-tag norfh whitespace="delete">
+<gettext domain="templates">No help requested</gettext>
+<define-tag nooth whitespace="delete">
+<gettext domain="templates">No help offered</gettext>
 # define messages for timespans
 # first the ones for being_adopted (ITAs)
@@ -63,6 +71,19 @@
 <define-tag req-days>
 <: printf "<gettext domain="templates">requested %s days ago.</gettext>", %0 :>
+# time spans for help offered (OTHs)
+<define-tag offered-today>
+<gettext domain="templates">offered today.</gettext>
+<define-tag offered-yesterday>
+<gettext domain="templates">offered yesterday.</gettext>
+<define-tag offered-days>
+<: printf "<gettext domain="templates">offered %s days ago.</gettext>", %0 :>
 # define tags for BTS and p.d.o links
Index: devel/wnpp/index.wml
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/devel/wnpp/index.wml,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -r1.24 index.wml
--- devel/wnpp/index.wml        28 Sep 2003 16:14:51 -0000      1.24
+++ devel/wnpp/index.wml        26 Jul 2004 22:44:41 -0000
@@ -20,12 +20,19 @@
   <li><a href="being_adopted">Packages currently being adopted</a>
+<p><a href="help">Packages in need of help</a>:
+  <li><a href="help_requested">Packages for which help was requested</a>
+  <li><a href="help_offered">Packages for which help was offered</a>
 <p><a href="prospective">Prospective packages</a>:
   <li><a href="being_packaged">Packages being worked on</a>
   <li><a href="requested">Requested packages</a>
 <p><a href="unable-to-package">Software that can't be packaged</a>
 <p>Note: these lists are updated daily; for more up-to-date information
@@ -67,7 +74,9 @@
 <p>You will see a list of reported bugs against WNPP which you
 should read to prevent a second report for the same package.</p>
-<p>After the buglist you are asked for the request type:</p>
+<p>After the buglist you are asked for the request type (note that
+the types RFH, request for help, and OTH, offer to help are rather
+new and not yet supported by reportbug):</p>
 What sort of request is this?<br>
@@ -201,6 +210,25 @@
+  <td valign="top" width="10%"><a name="tag-rfa"><b>RFH</b></a></td>
+  <td valign="top" width="10%"><i>normal</i></td>
+  <td width="80%">This is a &lsquo;Request For Help&rsquo;. The
+      current maintainer wants to continue to maintain this package,
+      but he needs some help to do this, because his time is limited
+      or the package is quite big and needs several maintainers.
+  </td>
+  <td valign="top" width="10%"><a name="tag-rfa"><b>OTH</b></a></td>
+  <td valign="top" width="10%"><i>normal</i></td>
+  <td width="80%">This is a &lsquo;Offer To Help&rsquo;. The submitter
+      offers to help the current maintainer with his package. Normally
+      one should contact the maintainer by personal mail first in this
+      case, but perhaps the current maintainer is not answering or is
+      away for some time. Then a bug can be used to document the offer.
+  </td>
   <td valign="top" width="10%"><a name="tag-itp"><b>ITP</b></a></td>
   <td valign="top" width="10%"><i>wishlist</i></td>
   <td width="80%">This is an &lsquo;Intent To Package&rsquo;. Please submit a 
@@ -257,6 +285,32 @@
       <p>If you as the package maintainer decide to orphan the package you
       marked with &lsquo;RFA&rsquo;, please retitle the bug report and replace 
       with &lsquo;O&rsquo;. If you withdraw your request, please close the bug.
+  </td>
+  <td valign="top" width="10%"><a name="howto-rfa"><b>RFH</b></a></td>
+  <td width="90%">Normally this bug should only closed by the
+      submitter, i.e. the package maintainer, if he considers it
+      obsolete, either because one or more people have offered
+      (and provided) their support or because he now thinks that
+      he can handle the package for himself.
+      <p>If you as the package maintainer decides to change the RFH to
+      an request for adoption (&lsquo;RFA&rsquo;) or if you want to
+      orphan the package (&lsquo;O&rsquo;), please retitle the bug
+      instead of closing it and filing a new one.
+  </td>
+  <td valign="top" width="10%"><a name="howto-rfa"><b>OTH</b></a></td>
+  <td width="90%">This bug should be closed by the submitter if his
+      help has been accepted or if he doesn't offer it anymore. The
+      package maintainer can also close the bug if he refuses the
+      help of the submitter but he certainly should give a rationale.
+      <p>If the package maintainer wants to hand over the package to
+      the submitter instead of only accepting the help, the bug should
+      be retitled to an &lsquo;ITA&rsquo; (Intent To Adopt).
Index: devel/wnpp/wnpp.pl
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/devel/wnpp/wnpp.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -r1.31 wnpp.pl
--- devel/wnpp/wnpp.pl  20 Jun 2004 16:20:30 -0000      1.31
+++ devel/wnpp/wnpp.pl  26 Jul 2004 22:44:41 -0000
@@ -53,10 +53,13 @@
 my $curdate = time;
-my ( %rfa, %orphaned, %rfabymaint, %rfp, %ita, %itp, %age );
+my ( %rfa, %orphaned, %rfabymaint, %rfp, %ita, %itp, %age,
+     %rfh, %oth );
  ALLPKG: foreach my $entry ($mesg->entries) {
      use integer;
      my $bugid = @{$entry->get('debbugsID')}[0];
+     $bugid =~ s/^#//;
+#     print STDERR "$bugid\n";
      next if @{$entry->get('debbugsState')}[0] eq 'done';
      my $subject = @{$entry->get('debbugsTitle')}[0];
      # If a bug is merged with another, then only consider the youngest
@@ -78,13 +81,18 @@
              push @{$rfabymaint{"Unknown"}}, $bugid;
      } elsif ($subject =~ m/^O:\s*(\S+)(?:\s+-+\s+)?(.*)$/) {
+#       print STDERR "$bugid\n";
          $orphaned{$bugid} = $1 . ($2?": ":"") . $2;
      } elsif ($subject =~ 
m/^ITA:(?:\s*(?:ITO|RFA|O|W):)?\s*(\S+)(?:\s+-+\s+)?(.*)$/) {
          $ita{$bugid} = $1 . ($2?": ":"") . $2;
      } elsif ($subject =~ m/^ITP:(?:\s*RFP:)?\s*(.*)/) {
          $itp{$bugid} = join(": ", split(/\s+-+\s+/, $1,2));
      } elsif ($subject =~ m/^RFP:\s*(.*)/) {
-         $rfp{$bugid} = join(": ", split(/\s+-+\s+/, $1,2)); 
+         $rfp{$bugid} = join(": ", split(/\s+-+\s+/, $1,2));
+     } elsif ($subject =~ m/^RFH:\s*(.*)/) {
+         $rfh{$bugid} = join(": ", split(/\s+-+\s+/, $1,2));
+     } elsif ($subject =~ m/^(?:OTH|ITH):\s*(.*)/) {
+         $oth{$bugid} = join(": ", split(/\s+-+\s+/, $1,2));
      } else {
 #         print STDERR "What is this ($bugid): $subject\n" if ( $host ne 
"klecker.debian.org" );
@@ -94,6 +102,7 @@
 my (@rfa_bypackage_html, @rfa_bymaint_html, @orphaned_html);
 my (@being_adopted_html, @being_packaged_html, @requested_html);
+my (@rfh_html, @oth_html);
 foreach my $bug (sort { $rfa{$a} cmp $rfa{$b} } keys %rfa) {
     push @rfa_bypackage_html, "\n<li><btsurl 
@@ -126,6 +135,7 @@
 foreach my $bug (sort { $ita{$a} cmp $ita{$b} } keys %ita) {
     (my $pkg = $ita{$bug}) =~ s/^(.+):\s+.*$/$1/;
+#    print STDERR "$bug\n";
     push @being_adopted_html, 
          "<li><btsurl bugnr=\"$bug\">$ita{$bug}</btsurl>";
     push @being_adopted_html,
@@ -157,6 +167,32 @@
 if ($#requested_html == -1) { @requested_html = ('<li><norfp /></li>') }
+foreach (sort { $rfh{$a} cmp $rfh{$b} } keys %rfh) {
+    (my $pkg = $rfh{$_}) =~ s/^(.+):\s+.*$/$1/;
+    push @rfh_html, 
+         "<li><btsurl bugnr=\"$_\">$rfh{$_}</btsurl>, ";
+    push @rfh_html,
+         " <pdolink \"$pkg\" />, ";
+    if ( $age{$_} == 0 ) { push @rfh_html, '<req-today />' }
+    elsif ( $age{$_} == 1 ) { push @rfh_html, '<req-yesterday />' }
+    else { push @rfh_html, "<req-days \"$age{$_}\" />" };
+    push @rfh_html, "</li>\n";
+if ($#rfh_html == -1) { @rfh_html = ('<li><norfh /></li>') }
+foreach (sort { $oth{$a} cmp $oth{$b} } keys %oth) {
+    (my $pkg = $oth{$_}) =~ s/^(.+):\s+.*$/$1/;
+    push @oth_html, 
+         "<li><btsurl bugnr=\"$_\">$oth{$_}</btsurl>, ";
+    push @oth_html,
+         " <pdolink \"$pkg\" />, ";
+    if ( $age{$_} == 0 ) { push @oth_html, '<offered-today />' }
+    elsif ( $age{$_} == 1 ) { push @oth_html, '<offered-yesterday />' }
+    else { push @oth_html, "<offered-days \"$age{$_}\" />" };
+    push @oth_html, "</li>\n";
+if ($#oth_html == -1) { @oth_html = ('<li><nooth /></li>') }
 <protect pass="2">
 print "\\#use wml::debian::wnpp\n";
 print "<define-tag rfa_bypackage><ul>@rfa_bypackage_html</ul></define-tag>\n";
@@ -165,6 +201,8 @@
 print "<define-tag being_adopted><ul>@being_adopted_html</ul></define-tag>\n";
 print "<define-tag 
 print "<define-tag requested><ul>@requested_html</ul></define-tag>\n";
+print "<define-tag help_req><ul>@rfh_html</ul></define-tag>\n";
+print "<define-tag help_offered><ul>@oth_html</ul></define-tag>\n";

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