
and sorry for some people, who get this email twice. You were in my
'interested' in eclipse3.0 mailbox. If you are still interested: I
will update bug #260510 with latest status of eclipse3.0 packages. But
see the end of this mail for the timeline...

I'm currently in the prozess of creating new packages for eclipse 3.0.
I wanted to get ready with this today, but I ran into some problems
with the new eclipse build prozess and my new package layout
(splitting arch and indep packages cleanly, new RCP split, build in a
more 'eclipse way'). Unfortunatelly I didn't even get ready with
testing packages this night (just gave up after another build error:( )
and I will go into a two weeks holiday tomorrow morning. So it will
take some more time until packages of eclipse 3.0 are available. At
least from me.

To give you a general idea where I'm heading, here is a list:

* use cdbs for building (and many workarounds for this stupid build
  layout of the native parts of eclipse)
  . learn how make works... :/  
* split swt plugins out of libswt*-java, so that the lib packages 
  can be used in other, swt only, packages.
* split out RCP of platform
* use the binary starter instead of my own sh based one.
* try to build with free tools, so that we "could" go to main, once
  the other issues are resolved. Curently not really good: jikes fails
  to build some classes (not yet investigated), kaffe can't be used to
  compile the JNI files against (bug filed) and lesstiff isn't enought
  to build swt motif with it :(
  Other issues: build doesn't mean run and lesstif/motif looks like I 
  can't sort that out :(
* try to support both eclipse and eclipse3.0 packages installed.

Whats not anymore in this package:
* all previous patches: either integrated upstream or replaced by a
  different system upstream (addsite, workspace choosing).
* most of the options in .eclipse/eclipserc. Choosing JAVA_HOME (until
  a better Java policy for this is done) and the windowing toolkit will
  still be integrated.
* I'm not sure whether I can forward port the 'debian specific'
  patches (sensible browser, etc) or until when.

I've seen two ITP for swt-gtk-3.0 (251715 and 261388) and I will try
to split that package out into a new source package. But as I didn't
get any answer from the authors of one of the packages (available form
mentors.d.n) and I need some functionality (alternatives system, ...),
which isn't available in that packages (see mail to 251715), I will
provide swt from the eclipse3.0 source first and try to get in contact
again with the ITPer, so that at least swt-gtk can go to main.

So, so much for the update on this issue. I will give more updates to
the above bugreports. I expect two more working days until I can
upload a version to experimental or maybe even unstable. This will
hopefully have happend until the 22nd of August. Sorry that it took so
long, but there are some Real Life things, which have more importance
to me right now.

Nice greetings from Karlsruhe, Jan
Jan Schulz                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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