On Thu, Aug 05, 2004 at 08:35:15AM -0600, David Everly wrote:
>   Description     : Perl interface to the htmldoc program for producing 
> PDF-Files from HTML-Content

This description needs to be trimmed a bit, I think.  Perhaps:

"Perl interface for producing PDF files from HTML"

The long description needs a bit of a tune-up, too:

> This Module provides an OO-interface to the htmldoc program.
> You can use it to produce PDF or PS files from a HTML-document.  Currently
> many but not all parameters of HTMLDoc are supported.
> You need to have HTMLDoc installed before installing this module.

Trim this sentence.  Debian has dependencies for this sort of thing.

> All the pdf-Methods return true for success or false for failure. You can
> test if errors occurred by calling the error-method.

That's a little more info than I necessarily needed to know in a package
description.  The API docs should have all this sort of information.

> Normaly this module uses IPC::Open3 for communacation with the HTMLDOC
> process. However, in mod_perl-environments there appear problems with this
> module because the standard-output can not be captured. For this problem
> this module provides a fix doing the communication in file-mode.

s/Normaly/Normally/, if this paragraph is needed at all.  It doesn't really
help me, as a potential user of libhtml-htmldoc-perl, decide whether or not
this is the package for me.  Again, it feels like it should be in the
package's API or README documentation.

- Matt

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