Strait Gate Ministry delivers Unheralded News from verified sources 
around the world, plus our commentary and original features from 
Pharisee Watch.  Introductory service is offered with our compliments.

The Halliburton story in brief:

While everyone else lost from the US war on Iraq, there were two 
winners:  One was Halliburton, the company whose former CEO for five 
years was Dick Cheney until he left (with a $20 million severance 
package and stock options) to run for VP.  Without the bother of 
competitive bidding, Halliburton was given contracts for more than $6 
billion to rebuild Iraq, which we had just demolished.  Now 
government auditors have found that almost half the amount so far 
billed isn’t adequately accounted for, so they’ve been trying to get 
the company to comply.  This AP story tells us Halliburton’s 
subsidiary, KBR, is also accused of overpricing and questionable 
accounting for work it has done as part of a contract with the 
Pentagon to restore oil fields in Southern Iraq.  Other current 
actions against Halliburton include an investigation into multi-
million dollar bribes and kickbacks in Nigeria while Cheney was still 
with the company and a 4 billion dollar settlement of an asbestos 
litigation.  For some companies, favoritism still isn’t enough. 


August 19,2004 By Associated Press 
While everyone else lost from the US war on Iraq, there were two 
winners; but sometimes winning still isn't enough... Tomorrow:  “The 
Second Winner” - Ed. 

August 16, 2004 By Toronto Sun 
Crusading zeal should be curbed. Sudan is neither a second Rwanda nor 
a threat to the west. 

 WEST BANK: Two Palestinian children wounded as house destroyed 
 By Albawaba, Jordan 
Israeli soldiers dynamited the house of Yousef Hinani's family after 
he was killed while attacking "Itamar" settlement. 

 By Haaretz, Israel 
Nearly 1,500 Palestinian security prisoners in four prisons have 
begun to strike, while an additional 2,400 are said to remain 
undecided regarding their participation. 

 SHOCK AND AWE AGAIN: "Just Retribution" 
 By Albawaba, Iraq 
In less than 24 hours: 165 dead, 600 wounded across Iraq "Many of the 
dead and wounded were women and children"

Pharisee Watch Feature in August:
 By Charles E. Carlson
Some benefit from bombing churches and they are the best suspects. 
One group is positively implicated in the acts. By its own words it 
convicts itself, regardless of who set the explosives or who made the 
plan. Its proponents call themselves “Christian-Zionists” or “Judeo-
Christians.” You will find these accomplices behind the pulpits of 
many American churches on Sunday.

Recommended Books Tapes and Videos: Bookstore

GAZA, WAR, AND THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT –C. E. Carlson –Videoed speech, as 
given at universities, organizations, and culture centers, including 
speaker's photos of the Gaza Strip and camcorder recordings of the 
sights and sounds of a 3:00 a.m.  Carlson offers his explanation of 
why the American churches have done so little to promote peace and 
why many believe Israel is a fulfillment of Bible Prophesy, 70 minute 

WHY THE MID-EAST BLEEDS – Ted Pike –video- Wake up call to Christian 
leaders, elected officials and anyone who wonders what has caused the 
evangelical Christian's hatred of Islam. Pastor and researcher, Rev. 
Pike has documented the Talmudic basis of hate and racism that fuels 
Zionist aggressions. 78 minute VHS 

GAZA STRIP -“An unflinchingly honest portrayal of a population under 
siege…deserves the widest possible audience.” - Washington Report on 
Middle East Affairs. American director James Longley’s first feature 
documentary, is an extraordinary and painful journey into the lives 
of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip struggling with the day-to-day 
trials of the Israeli occupation. Filmed in verité style and without 
narration, Gaza Strip at last gives voice to a population that has 
largely been ignored by mainstream western media.  One hour VHS 

AMERICA’S SECRET ESTABLISHMENT-Anthony Sutton  For 170 years, meeting 
in secret, their initiates became Presidents (including George W. 
Bush), senators, judges, cabinet secretaries and titans of finance 
and industry, Sutton documents Yale’s secretive society, the Order of 
the Skull and Bones.  The book comprises four volumes in one: I. 
Introduction to the Order. II. How the Order Controls Education. III. 
How the Order Creates War and Revolution. IV. The Secret Cult of the 
Order.  Paperback, 300 pgs.  

CONTROVERSY OF ZION -Douglas Reed classic, 590 page paperback- 
Douglas Reed, Britain’s foremost World War II London "Times" 
correspondent in Central Europe, reviews the long history of Talmudic 
Zionism. Since 1956, when Reed finished writing these last sentences, 
history has continued to endorse the correctness of his 
interpretation: "I believe the Jews of the world are equally 
beginning to see the error of revolutionary Zionism, the twin of the 
other destructive movement, and, as this century ends, will at last 
decide to seek involvement in common mankind". 

THE LAW -This nineteenth century classic by French economist 
Frederick Bastiat, warned of inflation and the impending roots of 
socialism.  Former President Ronald Reagan referred to Bastiat’s book 
as one of his sources for economic policy.  98 pgs.

THE FEDERAL RESERVE CONSPIRACY  -Anthony C. Sutton  -This book 
details the events that led up to passage of the Federal Reserve Act 
of 1913—and the many decades of work and secret planning that private 
bankers had invested to obtain their money monopoly. Paperback, 120 

University of Delaware radio program, "Open Your Mind," interviewed 
by Hector Gomez. Q: Hector: "What do Americans need to know most 
about the Middle East crisis?" A: Carlson: "It's insufficient to 
blame politics, military profiteers and Zionists for our serial 
wars.  "Christian" evangelical celebrities are the enablers of war 
upon Iraq and Palestine."  60 min. audio

Carlson's two-part article declares that pro-life advocates should 
stop trusting false political leaders who claim to be Christian or in 
Celebrity Christian leadership that preach war and ignore Jesus' 
words to "love thy neighbor as thyself."  60 min. audio

CHARLES CARLSON ON THE MIDDLE EAST: Meria Heller Show -Mr. Carlson is 
asked to define religion and how it applies to the Middle East. He 
explains that the Iraq War, Palestine, and Christian Zionism (as 
coined by Ariel Sharon) are wrapped together by an apostate idol 
worship of the State of Israel. He explains that Christianity is a 
faith, not a religion. To redefine this faith as a religion, as the 
Judeo-Christians have done, is apostasy. 60 min. audio

AMERICA’S MERCENARY MILITARY -Chris White- is a military affairs 
writer and PHD candidate in American History at Kansas University. He 
is, in his own words, an “EX-Marine,” though not anti-military, is 
against misuse of American military. Changes in our military in the 
post-Vietnam era after the elimination of the draft has transformed 
from a citizen-in-service army to a mercenary army of professional 
soldiers may endanger freedom in that today’s Marines are conditioned 
to the point that they would kill American citizens if told to do so. 
90 min. audio

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Scottsdale, AZ 85267 
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