Le 30 nov. 04, à 13:52, Robert Lemmen a écrit :

On Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 12:31:57AM +0100, Thibaut VARENE wrote:
* Package name    : hot-babe

while being a rather useless toy, i think it's still funny. i used at some point in the past and had another (non-license) problem with it that you might want to look into: the image itself is an xpm that gets compiled into the binary, which makes it a huge binary, a huge package (because xpms compress badly) and a resource hog in memory. it souldn't be too difficult to make it load the image vrom /var/lib which also had the benefit that other people
could add their own images easily

please check the new package before complaining about non existing bugs.
This has been fixed already long time ago :-P


Thibaut VARENE
The PA/Linux ESIEE Team

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