
> Do you still intend to create this package?  If so, please keep the
> bugtracking system informed of progress and delays.  ITPs which are
> just waiting for a sponsor should be tagged 'patch'; I recommend the
> bts script from the devscripts package.

Currently the upstream is busy to fix some big bugs. And also, the
package (donmanolo) will be rewrritten in another language and different
package, so the 'package' is a mess now.

How should I proceed?. I'm going to maintain it once it's rewritten
(from Ruby to C#) and/or fixed.

Thanks for the advise!

Regards and Happy new 2005 ;-)

Pablo Fischer Sandoval (pablo [arroba/at] pablo.com.mx)
Cel: (044-55) 2689-6351
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