To anyone interested enough to read this bug log (maybe
nobody? we shall see):

I have not forgotten about this bug, nor have I lost
interest.  On the other hand, neither have I yet found
time to address it properly.  As noted in the previous
post, it is not my intent to block this bug by squatting
on it.  I have not yet earned ownership of this bug.  If
you have the knowledge, the interest and the time, you
would enjoy my blessing and support (for what little
these might be worth) if you stepped in front of me and
started real dselect work.  I merely do not want dselect
to die of neglect.

As for me, at the moment debram/debtags is commanding my
available Debian time today.  (There are regrettably
only 24 hours in a day...)

Thaddeus H. Black
508 Nellie's Cave Road
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060, USA
+1 540 961 0920, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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