
after a big code frenzy with Peter "Mornfall" Rockai I've uploaded to
experimental a new version of the entire debtags chain, plus the new
addition *libapt-front*!

libapt-front brings together libapt and libdebtags into a base library
for package managers.  It is very well done, nice to use, sane
interface, incredibly stable given its very young age.

During the work, I discovered I was doing a very silly use of overloaded
virtual methods and that triggered a heavy refactoring of tagcoll and
debtags as well.  Benjamin, I'd be happy to assist you in porting
packagesearch over.  Notes worth mentioning:
  Tagcoll::Tagcoll* became Tagcoll::*
  TagSet -> OpSet<Tag>
  FacetSet -> OpSet<Facet>
  All the functions related to Debtags::Package have now gone.
    libapt-front should be used instead, with the added feature that it
    doesn't crash like the old Debtags::Package code used to do.
I repeat, I'd be happy to assist.  The good news is that the new
interface tends to make so, so, so much sense!

Now both debtags and debtags-edit use libapt-front.  Unfortunately I had
to split libdebtags1 and debtags again to avoid a circular dependency.
That's unfortunate both for the time we spent with the merge and because
now again I have one extra package to maintain.  However, it was the
only option.  We really need some extra debian maintainers for Debtags.

All of this is in experimental only.  I'm planning to upload everything
to unstable as soon as:

 1) bug #321799 has been closed.  This prevents libapt-front from
    building unless one patches its /usr/include/apt-pkg/policy.h with
    the trivial patch I posted in the BTS

 2) packagesearch is ported and uploading to unstable I don't break it.

Expect big news from this new libapt-front!



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