
I'm thinking about adopting this package. Now I have almost prepared
the new version. There is the extract from the .changes file:
Closes: 159304 186044 205417 206113 215014 226895 226904 302549 309814
310857 317078 318024
freedict (1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New maintainer (Closes: #206113).
   * Updated with the new upstream versions (all, except eng-hun,
     hun-eng and eng-por). Added new dictionaries: eng-ara, eng-rom,
     eng-scr, ita-eng (Closes: #309814) and wel-eng. So, the source
     tarbal version bumped to 1.2.
   * All the dictionaries unformated, fixed the headers, removed the
     many duplicated entries for most words in the dictionaries (but
     not all) (Closes: #186044), and formated using locale en_US.UTF-8
     - now all dictionaries have header 00-database-utf8 in dict
       files (Closes: #317078).
     - fixed some spelling mistakes in the eng-fra dictionary
       (Closes: #302549, #310857).
     - corrected the references to "Africaan" in the afr-deu dictionary
       to "Afrikaans" (Closes: #318024).
   * Added the file debian/README.Debian with a note about encoding.
     (Closes: #226895, #159304).
   * Removed the files from debian directory: control.tmpl,
     gencontrol.py and namefixup.py (no need any more)
     (Closes: #215014).
   * debian/control:
     - bumped Standards-Version to 3.6.2 (no changes required).
     - removed Build-Depends on python2.3 and python2.3-dictdlib
       packages and added Build-Depends on dictfmt package.
     - removed dict-freedict meta-package, and added providing the
       virtual dict-freedict package (Closes: #205417).
     - added the new binary packages for dictionaries eng-ara, eng-rom,
       eng-scr, ita-eng and wel-eng.
   * debian/copyright:
     - fixed the text formating (Closes: #226904).
     - changed the postall adress of the FSF.

I will close many more bugs at the end of this work, I think.
What you can say about it?
Artur, what you think about my intention? You are the official
owner of ITA.

Kęstutis Biliūnas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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