
I have made some preliminary packages for projectm which can be
downloaded from http://d072.apm.etc.tu-bs.de/~jluebbe/debian/unstable/

I'm not sure if the package is completely DFSG-Free, because there are
some fonts called arial1.glf, courier1.glf and times_new1.glf. They are
included in the OpenGL font library 'GLF' by Roman Podobedov. The
license of the library states:

  You can use this library in any program (commercial, educational
  or individual), but in each program, where You use this library, You
  should to keep this header (author name and coordinates)!

But i'm not sure if that applies to the fonts as well.

Some presets from http://milkdrop.co.uk come in the projectm tarball,
but there is no license for them. So i'm not sure what to do about them
(although projectm could be distributed without them).

If the legal problems can be worked out, i think it would be no problem
to include it in Debian.

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