|| On Fri, 07 Oct 2005 18:31:07 +0200
 || Rafa Rodríguez Galván <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
        >> Hi,
        >> I am also interested to push wxmaxima into Debian archive.
        >> I have prepared an updated package (last version, built against
        >> libwxgtk2.6), here:
        >> deb http://people.debian.org/~zufus/ wxmaxima/
        >> deb-src http://people.debian.org/~zufus/ wxmaxima/
        >> If you are still interested, please let me know, and in case, we
        >> can co-maintain this package (otherwise I would like
        >> to take this package).
        >> Regards
        >> Marco

        rrg> The key is that I'm still interested: I would like to continue 
        rrg> wxmaxima, because I was using it as a first package to start 
        rrg> to the Debian community. Anyway, if you wish we can co-maintain 
the package, 
        rrg> or Javier and you can "co-sponsor" me, or we can use any other way 
we find
        rrg> adequate.

        Ok, I agree with the co-maintainance (Javier is welcome to
        partecipate of course).

        I propose this strategy:

        1) the NEW queue is really long, so let's upload something NOW,
           even today

        2) Then let's create a repository where we can manage the debian
           dir (so that we can both apply modifications and merge our
           "debianizations"): there are a small number of things that
           can be make the pkg I made better.. and I am sure that also
           you have nice modifications to add. 

        3) Upload the co-mainteined package

        Point 1) is just to speed-up the wxmaxima inclusions into
        Debian. My pkg should be in a quite good shape, and is almost
        ready to upload. Check them (I uploaded on p.d.o also the
        sources). If you have an recent version, I have no problem to
        upload your one and merge our customization later.

        My only concern is "let's do it, and quickly (compatible with
        debian quality concepts)".

        I did my pkg using cdbs and I would like to keep it with cdbs,
        for a number of reasons.

        Let me know what you think about it.

        Ciao Ciao


"I videogiochi non influenzano i bambini. Voglio dire, se Pac-Man avesse
influenzato la nostra generazione, staremmo tutti saltando in sale
scure, masticando pillole magiche e ascoltando musica elettronica

"Videogames do not influence kids. I mean, if Pac-Man influenced our
generation, we were all jumping in dark rooms, chomping pills and
listening to electronic repeating music."

Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc. 1989

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