El Domingo, 25 de Septiembre de 2005 23:12, Drew Scott Daniels escribió:
> reopen 93208 =
> done
> Hi,
> I'm cc'ing the developers of peep. For the history of this bug see:
> http://bugs.debian.org/93208
> I'd still be interested in seeing a Debian package of peep, the "Network
> Auralizer". Javi, I don't understand what you mean by "for
> log-interpretation I do prefer log-analys/logcheck". Can these be made
> to output sounds?
> If anyone knows of a better "auralizer" that I could use for network/log
> events, please let me know. I'd be happy to find a less complicated
> alternative to peep (and thus have reason to re-close the request for
> package bug 93208).
> Upstream development is stalled. The developers are responsive, but it
> seems they don't have time to do many new developments [1]. I believe
> they can be convinced to help out with licensing or compilation problems.
> [1]
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=8273164&forum_id=4626

        In fact, http://www.auralizer.com seems, like any other time I checked 
two years ago or so, down with a Connection timed out.

        Best regards,

- Kyle, all those times I said you were a dumb, stupid Jew,
  well, I was wrong, you're not a Jew.
- Cartman, I *am* Jewish!
- There, there, don't be hard on yourself, Kyle.
                -- Cartman & Kyle (South Park).
Debian developer

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