On Fri, 2006-04-14 at 13:26 +0200, Jörg Sommer wrote:

> * Package name    : xindy

Thanks for packaging this, it looks really interesting.

> * Debian package : http://www.minet.uni-jena.de/~joergs/debian/

Some comments:

      * debian/control: misses a Homepage, see the devref 6.2.4
      * debian/control: when I think of "a flexible indexing system", I
        think of things like beagle/kat/google desktop that look through
        all your files and facilitate quick searches. Please improve the
        short description. Something like "document index generator",
        but more descriptive
      * debian/changelog: no need to mention those changes from
      * debian/copyright: misses the years for which the copyright
      * debian/copyright: you need to put copyright info for everything
        in the orig.tar.gz (including clisp), and also for your debian
        packaging (need to licence that too). Use mc and grep to do so.
      * the package FTBFS[1] in pbuilder due to lack of a clisp binary,
        please add it to the build dependencies and re-test in pbuilder.
        also, look into dpkg-genbuilddeps
      * would be nice to have a watch file.

     1. config.status: creating doc/style-tutorial/Makefile
        config.status: executing depfiles commands
        make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/buildd/xindy-2.2-beta2'
        make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/buildd/xindy-2.2-beta2'
        Making all in rte
        make[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/buildd/xindy-2.2-beta2/rte'
        make -C ordrules ordrulei.c
        make[3]: Entering directory
        clisp -q -norc -c ordrulei.lsp
        make[3]: clisp: Command not found
        make[3]: *** [ordrulei.c] Error 127



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