On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 06:09:03PM +0200, Enrico Zini wrote:

> The original distribution features an own packaging system, which was
> good when it was made, but now it's a bit tricky to work with.  To make
> it easy package CNF for Debian and Fedora, I skipped part of the
> original packaging and created a new makefile which wraps the old one
> providing a more usual behaviour.

I now reread this mail [1] from Nick Barkas and realised that some
autotools packaging effort was started.  However, browsing at the
website I get the impression that those are nightly builds from CVS, and
the stable versions are still packaged with the old system.  And, still
as I understand it, the project was terminated before the
autotools-based code was released, and that work has been frozen as a
nightly build.

I can now do one of three things:

 1) go on with my package, which has the stable version with a somehow
    fixed build system;
 2) backport their autotools-based build system to the stable version;
 3) package the CVS nightly build.

At the moment my preferred option would be to go with my package, for
two reasons: 1. because it's already done and ready to be uploaded and
I'm lazy :)  and 2. because it's a way to package the stable version
with as little changes as possible.

Someone with more insight on starlink's situation can still easily
change my mind, though :)



[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-science/2006/02/msg00020.html
[2] http://dev.starlink.ac.uk/build/DEBIAN-3.0r3_i386/dist/
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