On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 10:04:01AM +0100, Conall O'Brien wrote:
> On 3 Oct 2006, at 06:26, The Anarcat wrote:
> > I have been able to sucessfully compile the SILC/IRSSI plugin under  
> > etch
> > today. Now I'm far from a Debian package, but I wanted to state,  
> > for the
> > record that it is possible to compile it, and I have made a summary
> > procedure for it, inspired by a throughout compilation guide:
> >
> > http://penguin-breeder.org/silc/
> Yes, I've encountered this guide. I was planning on following it as I  
> make the irssi-silc package.

And have you seen this?


It seems there's already a debian package there:


> > Here's my procedure:
> >
> > http://wiki.koumbit.net/TheAnarcat/SilcIrssi
> Excellent. Thank you very much.

Glad it helps, i didn't thought it would. :)

> > I would be very happy to see this plugin live in etch and would  
> > like to
> > help.
> I've been able to convince work to let me spend some of my time  
> working on Debian related activities, so I hope to have furfilled my  
> outstanding ITPs in the next few weeks.
> Some help would be great, as it could help get this package into  
> Etch. I'm afraid I won't be looking at this or any of my other ITPs  
> this week.
> Ping me by email next week and we'll see what we can accomplish :)

Ping! :)


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