Moritz Muehlenhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> The complete database is always encrypted either with AES (alias
>> Rijndael) or Twofish encryption algorithm using a 256 bit key. Therefore
>> the saved information can be considered as quite safe. KeePassX uses a
>                                              ^^^^^^^^^^
> Ummm.
> Apart from that, just because it uses strong ciphers it doesn't mean it's
> secure. It appears to only have a single author and to be very fresh and I
> don't think it has received real review so far. Until it has matured more
> I wouldn't upload this to unstable, as every flaw will expose all the pass-
> words and passphrases of a user.

Err, while I agree that the description should make false or misleading
statements (I will take that part out), I'm a bit confused about your
statement to not upload it to unstable. I mean, in a truly security
sensitive environment, every security sensitive tool should be audited
anyway. I'd still like to upload it to unstable, so that it gets wider
testing. If someone notices security issues, the package will get an RC
bug, and if there is no quick fix, it may be removed from testing. But
why are you saying that it mustn't enter unstable? Did you perhaps
already audit keepassx or have made any experience while using it?

I think your concerns apply to the dozen other password managers we
already ship in etch as well.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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