On Wed, 10 Jan 2007 21:45:19 +0100 Daniel Baumann wrote:

> anyway, please ask upstream to include this in the source-tarball,
> this is the most convenient solution. if he doesn't want to do that,
> you could include the mail you got into debian/copyright, such as i
> did e.g. with kqemu.

As I understand the mail upstream send me, he wants to have this
"bonobo"-nocopyright in the source. I allready quoted the important
part of the mail in d/copyright and my ITP, or should I quote the whole

   ^^^    | Evgeni -SargentD- Golov ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Viele geniale Leute sind schwierig und kommen mit Gott und der Welt
nicht klar. Leider folgern daraus viele Leute, die mit Gott und der
Welt nicht klar kommen, dass sie genial sind. (CodeWicht @ heise.de)

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