> libpam-thinkfinger (depends on libthinkfinger0)
> libthinkfinger0
> libthinkfinger-dev
> thinkfinger (depends on libpam-thinkfinger)

(What is the thinkfinger package for, if the tool is in the library package?)

I really think the binary should not go in the library package, see

3. Other files, plugins, runtime binaries
Usually upstream shared library packages contain some documentation and         
example runtime binaries. They should not reside in the runtime shared 
library package. They should be put in the -DEV package, or another package 
that does not have a SONAME version number appended on it, such as 
 This is because the ability of runtime shared library package to upgrade and 
coexist suffers if the binaries are included in the runtime shared library 

But I don't have much experience with library packaging. Why not ask 

About the short description: Perhaps the manufacturer can be dropped entirely. 
Most users don't know or care about the manufacturer, but they know they have 
a Thinkpad:

"thinkfinger -- driver for the fingerprint reader found on some Thinkpad 

The long description can have details about manufacturer and laptop models.

The lib and dev packages can simply have suffixes like "(support library)" 
and "(development files)", if needed.


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