Hi Sami,

2007/2/15, Sami Kyöstilä <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> == Built-in songs ==

The tricky part is that the [Teosto] membership agreement states that the
commercial and distribution rights of all works created by the composer,
even prior to joining, get automatically transferred to Teosto. Since
Tommi, our musician, is a member of Teosto, we can't give anyone
permission to distribute the songs from the game even though they are
our own creation.

Thankfully there is some light at the end of the tunnel, since Teosto is
about to change their term so that the distribution rights of game music
are exempt from their contract. In fact, we've recently gotten
permission from them to set the distribution rights for the music the
game to our liking. The bad part is that apparently for game music to be
game music it really needs to be only distributed with the game, and
since GPL grants much more than that, it is not applicable in this

So basically, we need to have a license that only allows for
distribution with the game and forbids commercial usage of the songs.

Sami, would the Artistic License 2.0 be OK?  (
http://www.perlfoundation.org/legal/licenses/artistic-2_0.html )  It
states that when the package is redistributed, one can charge a
distribution fee, but not a license fee.  This prevents a record
companies from selling the CD.  However, the music could still be
freely redistributed noncommercially, even if separated from the game.

What sort of licenses are used in other free games?

I'm not sure.  For game music to get into Debian, it has to be under a
Free license.

> == Other data, including tutorial ==
> Is it possible you could get the other data, including the tutorial,
> relicensed under the GPL?  This would simplify things, as it is
> unclear whether Creative Commons Attribution-licensed work can go in
> the Debian "main" repository.  Using the GPL would simplify things for
> us.  If this relicensing would be difficult, let me know; there are
> other licensing options.

The other data can be relicensed GPL and we'll do that for our next

Great! :-)

The tutorial is still a bit of a grey area (is it a song?), but
GPL is okay for the other data files.

Is it a song?  It doesn't seem to fit the dictionary definition of
"song" to me.  IIRC, isn't it just a prepared speech with musical
interludes at various points?


P.S. I am not a lawyer.  Also, laws vary by country.  Your country's
laws may differ.

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