retitle 413124 ITP: netstiff -- powerful tool to check for web page updates

Hi again,

> Finding a good and well sounding package name is complicated business.

So it's done and "webdiff" is renamed to "netstiff". Well, it's a rather
nonsense name without further meaning.
Well-sounding? That's a matter of taste.
Good? No, new users cannot divine by name, what the program is doing.
But: it's unique and, at least, rhymes on webdiff. ;-)

> I am not sure about what is the main focus of your package. At the first
> glance it looks like a websec remake in Ruby. I would at least refer to
> websec in the package description.

websec is ... different, a bit ;-) It has other features, e.g. producing
colored HTML output or sending mail.
And when I started doing work on netstiff/webdiff, I didn't know that
websec exists, of course. Otherwise, I think, I would never have begun
writing netstiff.

Now let's go:

* Package name    : netstiff
  Version         : 20070322
  Upstream Author : Stephan Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description     : powerful tool to check for web page updates

netstiff (formerly known as webdiff) is a powerful and easy-to-use tool
which checks for web page updates. Several test criteria can be used:
diff, html, size, date, md5sum, regexp.
Using the default command (`get'), it will fetch the needed data from the
specified URIs and show you only those that changed or where the given
regular expression matches.
Using the `diff' command and diff criterion, netstiff will show you the
changes in unified diff format, like "diff -u" does.
If you use the html criterion, the `diff' command is able to filter HTML
tags or to use an external tool, like "html2text" or "lynx -nolist -dump"
to pretty-print the difference output.
Netstiff also comes with a built-in interactive configuration tool.

 Stephan Beyer

PS: I hope I've done it right.

Stephan Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, PGP 0x6EDDD207FCC5040F

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