> fyi, systemimager packaging is still being developed here:
>   svn://svn.systemimager.org/svn/systemimager-debian/
Oh.  I was not aware of that.

> There are already lists for development and for monitoring commits,
> and there is active packaging development (mostly from Geoffroy
> Vallee these days).
Is this for upstream development or for Debian specific stuff?  Do you
have links for these lists?

> I'm all for team maintainance - but I really want to see a smooth
> transition. I don't think we need to migrate to alioth when we
> already have an active development location. And - though I'm excited
> to see the interest, I'm uncomfortable handing this over to a group of
> people from whom I don't recall seeing any significant patches (no
> offense intended).
I also would like to see a smooth transition.  I can agree that an
immediate move should not be force if there is already an established
location.  However, I think that migrating the Debian-specific stuff to
Alioth has a number of benefits and I think it should be a goal once the
transition has stabilized.

I take no offense at your discomfort.  I have not contributed to
systemimager in the past, however I find myself using it more and more.
Thus, I'd like to get involved now.  I can't speak for the other
interested parties.  However, I can tell you that there is no need to
worry about my abilities.  I maintain or actively participate in the
team maintenance of 17 packages.  Additionally I have been taking a more
active role in QA work and even started sponsoring.

http://qa.debian.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://qa.debian.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> My preference is to continue working where we are, and for developers
> to send patches to the devel list for review. Overtime I can grant new
> developers commit access based upon the quality of their
> contributions.

That sounds OK.  But again, I still think that the ultimate goal should
be a move to Alioth.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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