Damyan, Thanks so much for answering, and thanks especially for agreeing to
work with me on the package.

Here are my answers to your requests. I have taken some time in replying to
your email because I wanted to finish everything first.

> I am wiling to sponsor this game, but there are some problems (for me;
> others may not share this):
> debian/copyright - missing year(s) of copyright


> Also, there is SDL/license.txt in the source, but it is not obvious
> what is the license of the files outside the SDL directory. You
> should check this with upstream. Ideally, every source file should have
> a license block in the beginning.

Upstream is very loose on licensing. His 1.1 release had no license
whatsoever, and I had to ask him to put a license in the code. He finally
put the MIT license in license.txt in the file and changed version to 1.1a.

I could hound him to put the header in every source file, I suppose, but I
have the email exchange proving that he really meant to license the game
this way. I hope this is enough.

> Hm. As far as I see, everything that is needed for the "make" run is in
> SDL. So it may be best to omit everything outside SDL out of
> the .orig.tar.gz.


> Since you're re-packaging (zip -> tar.gz), you may want to remove some
> cruft like SDL.dll and Spout.exe from the source archive.


> To make this easily reviewable and maintainable, please provide
> debian/get-orig-source.sh that automates the process (zip->unzip,
> remove cruft->.orig.tar.gz)


> Please provide debian/watch file. See uscan(1) for the format.


> The .desktop file is invalid. Try desktop-file-validate from
> desktop-file-utils package.


> Install .desktop file with dh_desktop (in binary-arch target). It
> install the .desktop file *and* calls update-desktop-database from the
> maintainer scripts. See dh_desktop(1).


> Please add debian/menu file. Note that section names are changed. See
> recent announcement on debian-devel-announce and menufile(5) (be sure
> to have at least version 2.1.35 of the "menu" package)


> It would be nice if you can remove the lines from debian/rules that are
> presently commented out and for which it is obvious that they'll never
> be needed (example: dh_perl).


> The game writes its HiScores file (spout.sco) in the current working
> directory. Can you make it use /var/games for that? Or at least
> ~/.spout.sco?

Tried to, but I can't make it work. For some reason, spout gets installed
with user:group root:root instead of root:games. Is that something I am
doing wrong?

Thanks again!


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