retitle 419679 ITA: axel -- A light download accelerator - Console version
owner 419679 !

On 07/04/17 13:55 +0200, Mohammed Adnène Trojette said ...
> The current maintainer of axel, Wilmer van der Gaast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> has orphaned this package.

I use axel at home and work on Debian machines and would like it to be
in the archive.  Popcon stats also suggest that there are people who
would like to continue using it.  There aren't a whole lot of
alternatives either.

Hence, even though Wilmer as upstream isn't supporting this package, I
would like to adopt and maintain this package.  I am familiar with HTTP
and FTP protocols and should be able to do justice to this piece of


Y Giridhar Appaji Nag |

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