On Wednesday 26 September 2007 12:20:50 am Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> What's the status on this ITP and the compiz-fusion-plugins-* ones ? Is
> there anything blocking ?

not at this point, now that i've helped get a more recent compiz into unstable 
(which was blocking the rest).  now it's mostly an issue of free time, and 
sorting out the horrible, horrible mess that upstream(s) have made of all 
this stuff.

> Also, have you considered maintaining those packages in a team ? compiz
> is maintained by debian-x@, so it would probably make sense to maintain
> those packages there as well. (aren't releases of compiz and
> compiz-fusion going to be somehow synchronized in the future?)

yes to basically all of that.  the wiki doc is already a bit out of date, but 
more or less summarizes the situation:


and you can always ask on #debian-x where i'm likely to be found lurking, and 
the rest of the xsf is vaguely aware of what's going on.


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